Warm Oil Skin Rejuvenation Mask 100ml


Warm Oil Rejuvenation Mask 100ml


A blend of three base oils designed to hydrate, rejuvenate and repair skin – plus five key essential oils for optimum skin health.

This warm oil mask is to be performed once a week and is a beautiful experience, resulting in glowing skin.

Optimum benefit comes from weekly use over 6 – 8 weeks – see the results for yourself in just a few weeks!

Softer, brighter, glowing skin that feels wonderful to touch and looks relaxed healthy.

This is an excellent product for people under pressure, people with mature and dry skin and people working outdoors or in airconditioned environments.

The wonderful thing about using essential oils in skincare is that you get the bonus impact of the oils via the olfactory system. Your body will respond within seconds and the impact of the oils will be through your entire body within 30 minutes, lasting for hours, as you will have also topically applied the oils in this beautiful ritual.

When you purchase any of our Skin Rituals products, we will also send you a link to download the fantastic Natural Skincare E-Book to make the most of your blend morning and night – it’s your gift, totally free.

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